It's a brave new world (championships)...

Welcome, welcome! Pull up a chair (sofa, saddle) and let me seize you aggressively by the shoulders and aim gratitude directly into your face!

If you're receiving this email, you are already officially A Good EggTM 

You may have signed up through loyalty, intrigue or pure blind faith - whatever the reason, I thank you whole-heartedly. Whether you're doing it because you're my mate, because you've enjoyed my previous writing, or because you're taking a chance on something different, I appreciate that it's a really big deal, agreeing to add one more voice to the weight of your already sagging inbox. So I thank you, from the bottom of my heart.

So what have you signed up for exactly? I'd be lying if I told you I knew, precisely, what this newsletter will entail: it will absolutely feature me, sharing news and titbits from the world of pro cycling, offering my opinions on said news, and musing generally on the sport, as is my general MO. It may occasionally feature mixed media, with pictures and video content, but ultimately it will revolve around my thoughts on cycling, in writing, because hey - that's what I do.

You've agreed to come on a journey of discovery with me, via the medium of my words and your inbox and where the two meet, magic will happen. Well, that may be overstating things a bit - more likely it will give you something to think about, it will be informative, it might even make you laugh - but I hope above all it will enrich your enjoyment of cycling in some small way.

Here endeth the welcome: in the first full edition next week there will of course be some thoughts on the upcoming World Championships in Wollongong, Australia, where events are anything but small, as 11 beautiful rainbow jerseys are contested across as many days. Along with the usual news and whimsy.

A note before you go: this newsletter is in addition to the content I will continue to post over at my website. Big reviews, long opinion pieces, listicles and so on will all still be going up over there - this is simply a way for me to communicate more regularly with you, and keep you up to date - I'll post links to my more in-depth posts here, along with sneak previews of some of the projects I am lining up for 2023 which may be of interest.

Goodbye for now, and if you didn't catch it the first couple of times - THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SUBSCRIBING! (I shout because I need you to hear me from ALL THE WAY OVER HERE)!  

See you next week,


PS Ordinarily, I'll make an appearance in your Inbox on a Wednesday, weekly if I'm bursting with juicy morsels to share, every other week if it's a slow news period. So, hopefully I won't get on your nerves!